Little injustice. Justice in fabule


Jaro Varga a Agnieszka Kilian

júl 27, 2017 - aug 15, 2017
Galéria HIT, Bratislava

júl 27, 2017 7popoludní

Little injustice.
Justice in fabule.
V rámci projektu Dreams&Dramas. Law as literature
Výskum — Výstava — Prednášky — Diskusie
In framework of the project Dreams&Dramas. Law as literature
Research — Exhibitions — Lectures — Discussions

Otvorenie výstavy/Opening
27. júl 2017 • 19.00/7pm
Galéria HIT

Prednášky a diskusie/Lectures and Discussions
28. júl 2017 • 17.00/5pm
Café Berlinka SNG
Agnieszka Kilian & Jaro Varga: Introduction Dreams&Dramas
Agnieszka Kilian: Little injustice. Justice in fabule.
Sara Reisman: "Platform for a Curatorial Agenda"
Rehan Ansari:
We have been here before. What have I done for you lately? And what happened in Maine?
Alicja Rogalska: What If As If
Jasmina Metwaly & Philip Rizk: Out on the Street

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